


Preoperative advice from our GP Anaesthetist prior to planned surgery.



Annual check for patients with asthma or chronic lung disease – 1 hour (for new patients) or half hour (for review patients), ensuring up-to-date asthma management plans, advice about puffer use and technique and more. Conducted by a specially trained nurse and reviewed by a GP.

Asthma Clinic


For any patients who have a heart problem such as angina, heart attack (myocardial infarction), palpitations/atrial fibrillation and heart valve problems. To review general cardiac health and referral to appropriate support services.
1½ hour appointment with a trained cardiac nurse and reviewed by a GP.

Cardiac Clinic


Counselling services are provided by all GPs, with the option of Care Plans and Medicare-funded referrals to counsellors and psychiatrists.



Annual 1 hour check for diabetic patients, conducted a trained diabetic nurse and reviewed by a GP.

Diabetic Clinic


1 hour appointment for patients with a chronic health condition requiring care from a multidisciplinary team, eg your GP and physiotherapist, dietician, dentist, podiatrist, pharmacist, psychologist or chiropractor. Conducted by trained nurse and reviewed by your GP, enabling access to Medicare funded allied health care.

Enhanced Primary Care


Conducted by registered nurses, for the immunisation of babies, all school children and adults. Please bring your child’s Blue Book and Medicare card and allow ½ hour (15 mins for appointment and 15 mins after the vaccination for observation in case of an allergic reaction to the vaccine).



Each year the influenza (flu) vaccine is developed to protect you against the most common strains of flu. Influenza can be very serious and may lead to complications such as pneumonia, myocarditis (inflammation of the heart), neurological conditions and other bacterial infections.
The flu vaccine is recommended for any person six months of age and over.

Annual Flu Vax


Conducted by a specifically trained GP.
Two consultations are required – the first is a double appointment to allow for informed consent, skin test and blood test.
A second consult a week later is required to review results and proceed with vaccination if required.
These appointments are not covered by Medicare but may be tax-deductible or covered by private insurance. Please enquire about costs when booking.

Q Fever


Between 8.30am – midday weekdays, SA Pathology nurses are available to take blood samples ordered by your doctor. Bookings are generally not required, but pathology staff do need prior warning for some tests. If this is the case your GP will make the necessary arrangements for you. There is no additional out of pocket costs for sample collection.

SA Pathology


A committed team of midwives and GPs work together to optimise each woman’s care during pregnancy, birth and baby’s first 6 weeks of life.
Shared care with specialist obstetrician support in Berri or Adelaide may be required for complicated pregnancies and will be facilitated by your local obstetric team.
Birthing services are provided at the Loxton Hospital Complex including caesarean section and epidural services, if required.



Early detection and management of skin cancer is important.
A trained Skin Clinic Nurse will take a history of your sun exposure, previous lesions, treatments and all patients will undergo a full body skin check. A GP assigned to the clinic will check any areas of concern. Photographs (with your permission) of any lesion/moles of concern to either you or the GP will be taken and stored for future reference.
Initial attendance fee is $80. Thereafter, visits for management of detected lesions will be bulk-billed.

S. O. S. (Save Our Skin) Clinic


Sleep studies can be arranged locally and are currently provided by the local pharmacy. Book a consultation for a referral.

Sleep Studies